Low Monthly Payments
Nusenda: A local financing company
Plus Get Cash Back!
You’ve been car shopping before. Suppose you could buy a car for $25,000, get a low monthly payment and get $7500 cash back! If you were buying a car, you’d say, “That’s a great deal.”
With a solar system from Experienced Solar, you can apply for an even better deal. Instead of paying Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) for your electric bill, use that money to buy your solar system.
That makes your Experienced Solar System for your home a win deal!
You get a great price, a monthly payment less than your current electric bill AND you get cash back!
Here’s how:
First, when you qualify through Nusenda Credit Union, you can finance your solar system over 15 years. That means you may get a really low monthly payment.
Rates vary, of course.
Next, you should be eligible to get a 30% Federal Tax Credit for your solar system.
Here’s an Example.
Rob needs a $20,000 solar system for his home to get a “net zero” bill from PNM. A “net zero” bill means that over the year, Rob will not have to pay PNM for electricity – he’ll pay zero.
Rob gets a $20,000 loan from Nusenda Credit Union, to pay for his solar system.
Talk to a professional at Nusenda Credit Union, for details.
Now, here’s some great news! Rob’s system qualifies for the Federal Tax Credit, so he gets a 30% credit on the total tax he owes the IRS!
For a $20,000 system, that 30% credit means Rob will save $6,000 on taxes he owes! If Rob’s total federal income tax is less than $6,000, he can carry over to the next year whatever credit he has left over.
Now you can see why getting a solar system for your house makes sense financially.
Zero out your electric bill.
Get a $6,000 federal income tax credit the first year!
Some people apply the $6,000 Federal Tax Credit and use it to off their loan much sooner.
Other people take the $6,000 tax credit and use it to pay off some other loan, or they spend it on home improvement or enjoy it in other ways!
Whatever your plan, you can see what a great opportunity you have to invest in a solar system for your home.
Let us visit with you in your home and show you the great kind of deal you can get.
Call us today for an appointment! (505) 600-2771
Federal Tax Credit
Federal Tax Credit Saves You 30% on Your System
Taxpayers are eligible to get a huge tax credit for a solar system they have installed on their home. The tax credit is 30% of the cost your system.
Look at these examples of how the 30% Federal Tax Credit can save you money.
Solar System Investment Federal and State Tax Credit Amount Cost after Federal and State Tax Credit
$20,000 $8,000 $12,000
$25,000 $10,000 $15,000
$30,000 $12,000 $18,000
A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar credit against the personal income tax you pay. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the personal income tax you owe.
The 30% federal tax credit is available for homeowners and businesses
How the 30% Credit Works
Suppose the solar system you purchase from Experienced Solar costs $25,000.
When you install your system this year, you are eligible to take a $7500 tax credit against your personal income tax this year.
If you owe $7500 or more in personal income tax, you get your $7500 tax credit this year.
The federal tax credit you get is like getting $7500 off the cost of your solar system! You just have to file your taxes and either pay or get a bigger tax refund.
Another Benefit!
If your total federal income tax for this year is less than $7500, you can use your tax credit to pay all the income tax you owe for the year. Then you can carry over any amount that’s left. You can use the leftover credit against taxes you owe next year.
Two Easy Steps
Learn exactly what the 30% federal tax credit will mean to you personally in two easy steps.
Learn from Experienced Solar the initial cost of the solar system for your home.
Talk to your accountant, or your tax preparer. If you use a program like Turbo Tax, see what that tells you. Get advice on what the 30% Federal Tax Credit will mean to you personally.
Plus, You Can Save Money Every Month on Your Electric Bill!!